Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Happy Anniversary to Us

It has been nine years since this sweet boy came to live with me. Little did I know then how much Baloo would change and enrich my life. We've seen each other through some rough times. 

He makes me get out for several walks every day, so I get to see all the subtle seasonal changes, regardless of rain, snow, sleet or shine. He points out creatures I might otherwise have overlooked, which have occasionally appeared here on the blog - and there are a couple more coming up shortly. Also, he missed his calling as a cadaver dog, because he can smell an old, bleached deer bone at a thousand paces (as well as any other bit of dead-thing that might be anywhere in his vicinity). Hunters have had their proverbial bacon (or venison) saved by having me bring Baloo to track a downed animal. He's outstandingly good at it.

Since Baloo was a starving stray when he adopted me, he's always been a scavenger and reminds me of every meal, treat time and reward that should come his way.  In this case, he got to do puppy pre-wash duty on the yogurt dish and claimed the bowl as his very own. 

Baloo's getting to be a senior dog now (13 or 14 years old, depending on whether we go with the estimate of 4 or 5 when I got him), with some health issues that can scare the willies out of me sometimes. We had a big one this weekend and I wasn't sure I'd get to post this! So, I cherish every day I get to be with him.

1 comment:

Sudoku Crazy said...

What a beautiful post! All of the pets that I have had over the years have touched my heart in the deepest way. I currently have 3 dogs and I love my pack!
Sudoku Crazy