Monday, June 6, 2022

Chipping Away

The return of the sparrows in early spring is always a treat. There are many different kinds of these cheerful songsters (and chatterers). My brother, sister and I will happily announce our first sighting of each new variety to arrive home from their winter haunts.

These pictures were taken in early May, so this bird has long since either moved farther north or found a mate to settle down with and raise a family. I'm always happy when I discover some nesting nearby.

This picture made me smile, as it captures the cheeky little devil's personality - it chips and scolds and darts into hiding if I start trying to move closer for a better shot.

While perhaps less visually striking than a cardinal, bluebird or goldfinch, the subtle brown and rust markings have their own beauty. This pert little bird would probably be the first to insist less can be more. I have to agree.

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