Sunday, June 26, 2022

Birds of Different Feathers

There is always a lot of activity in the big rye field, especially in the spring when these pictures were taken. 

Sandhill cranes are some of my favorite visitors. They are such quiet and graceful creatures - usually.

At least, until they start their mating song and dance. The loud calls can be heard from quite a distance.

I have yet to catch them leaping and dancing, but my brother and I recently managed to spot a mated pair and two youngsters stepping stealthily through the woods near one of the little ponds we have been trying to entice wood ducks to use for nesting (they haven't yet, but we continue to hope).

On this particular morning, the crane was joined by a hen turkey and a raven. They each seemed to enjoy the company, because they wandered around together for quite a while, munching on whatever delicious delights the rye field version of a tea party served up for them.

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