Monday, June 13, 2022

Black and White and a Little Red...

This isn't a riddle about a newspaper. It's only got a little bit of red - not all over.  A lot of striking black and white, though.

Well, now that I think about it, a lot of striking, too. It's a woodpecker, after all. (I know - that's as bad as the original riddle and it wasn't intended when I started this post. I just couldn't resist when I saw the word 'striking', and I probably should have.)

So, back to the subject at hand. The female downy woodpecker doesn't have the red patch on the back of her head, so this is the male of the species. I love their toes, which are so perfectly adapted for grabbing trees and climbing up and down the bark listening for bug infestations to bore out of the wood. 

They are very friendly birds and will frequently hang around when I fill the suet feeders (which I'm not doing right now because of the current avian flu issue). 

I miss feeding the birds and having them wait impatiently for me to fill the feeders. Maybe that's why I'm haunting the fields and forests looking for my friends...


Anonymous said...

I am right there with you!!! It is so hard not to put the feed/suet/bath out. I have them come in for a landing, where these things used to a memory thing and then you can see them do this funny back peddling trying to figure out how to land with the missing landing platforms.

I feed them year round and miss it so much. With this heat coming I worry about them and a lack of water source.


Webfoot said...

I know, Sheila! Especially when they have babies to feed! I hope the danger passes soon. I'm looking forward to lots of winged activity again!

Anonymous said...

Well............. with the heat wave I caved. I put up my birdbath. The birds and squirrels are all enjoying it. I empty and wash it every day. It hasn't rained, there are no puddles around. They need water. They can find food elsewhere, not so much with water.


Webfoot said...

I certainly understand that. I did a check on avian flu in my area and they were finding infected birds as late as last week. I'm still shy of putting anything out, but I'm worried, too. At least there are a few water sources not too far from here, although I'm not sure how far birds tend to fly for a drink on a hot day.