Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A Crown of White

White-crowned sparrows travel through the area in the spring, flying north from their winter vacation playgrounds on their way to summer nesting territories. 

They often stick around for a few weeks, eating and resting before going on the next leg (or wing) of their journey. Their markings are very striking, making this sparrow an easy one to identify.

Rarely, a pair will choose to nest nearby and that's always a special treat. No such luck this year, though. 

I'll look forward to seeing them again in the fall when they're heading south again.


Anonymous said...

I love the white-crowned sparrow! They look so neat and tidy with those black and white striped caps. Nice pics. :^) BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thank you! They do look dapper, don't they? :)