Sunday, July 29, 2018

Morning Minstrelsy

I took Baloo out for a longer than usual walk on a cooler than usual morning and as we were coming down the big hill on the last leg of our journey we heard sort of a sweet trilling song from high in a tree just a little way off the road. 

I had to zero in on this tiny minstrel by waiting for another verse of his distinctive melody, but I finally spotted him. He's an American redstart. 

I apologize for the grainy pictures - I had to use every bit of zoom my little camera had to offer to get a decent and recognizable picture of this shy songster. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Up a Tree

This little charmer was way too cute to keep to myself. 

There's a serviceberry tree growing in my yard, sort of in a sheltered corner near the house. It blooms beautifully every spring and the birds always enjoy the ripening fruit.

One morning I looked out the window and spied a chipmunk fairly high in the tree, packing serviceberries into its cheeks just as fast as it could go. Since chipmunks are usually much more comfortable on the ground, it was a surprising and delightful departure from the usual winged visitors to the banquet. 

It looks pretty sweet and innocent for such a little pig, don't you think? 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Iris Really Busy!

I know - it's terribly corny. Forgive me, if you can. But the good news is that I survived the art fair again this year and now I have a few minutes to post something. 

A little while ago, Baloo and I took one of our favorite hot day walks in a wetlands conservation area and we enjoyed hearing frogs plopping and chipmunks chirping in alarm at the large, black dog and his person. 

We also saw some lovely wild iris growing right in the water and blooming amid the cattails and marsh grasses.  

They were very delicate, with long, thin petals that flared out at the ends. 

And they had  fine, purple veining in the flared part of the petals that I thought was a beautiful contrast with the pale lavender and yellow background.