Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Lady and the Lace

I'm back with the Queen Anne's Lace again today because I just couldn't resist the little visitor on this flower. 

I know, I really am easily entertained, but the bold, bright red and black against the delicate white lacework just made me smile.

I hope it gives you a little grin, too. Sometimes the adventures of the day are small wonders. :)


Anonymous said...

I, too, am easily entertained. I find that the small wonders are often very quiet, and are all around if I have the time to look and take note.

Thank you for looking and taking note ! :^)

Hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

There's magic in those small wonders, isn't there? :) Hugs right back, BetsyLee!

Anonymous said...

the black, red, and white are perfection! the dots on the ladybug as well as the ladybug juxtaposed with the design of the lace make a piece of art! would make a great photo for a card or even framed! QM

Webfoot said...

Thank you, QM! That's so kind of you.