Monday, August 28, 2023

Baby Boy

I always love the baby cardinals. They look just like their parents in shape and size when they start joining the adults at the feeders. The difference is that they are brown and have brown beaks until they molt and get their adult feathers.

This young fellow is starting to change his plain brown suit for the bright red we all know and love. His beak is just beginning to turn orange, too, but it's still mostly brown.

He looks pretty scruffy at the moment, with loose feathers sticking out and new feathers coming in.  Check out the little, red short leggings he's wearing.

He's very sincere and earnest, don't you think?  Not to mention seriously cute!


Anonymous said...

I love watching the young cardinals grow up ! Thank you for the pics and thoughts. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

Love this info. I don't think I ever saw a young cardinal. I will keep my eyes out in the future!!!


ps. it was me on the porcupine mnts story

Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee. Hugs right back!!

Sheila, you probably have seen the youngsters and thought that they were females. The giveaway every time is the brown beak. (And the Porcupine Mountains story was a great one) :)