Saturday, August 12, 2023

Dressed in Velvet

These two handsome bucks were keeping an eye on me as I went through the woods on my early morning walk.

I never quite managed to get the smaller fellow in focus, try as I might. There were too many layers of branches in my way and I still haven't mastered the manual focus mechanism on the new camera. 

I had better luck with the larger deer.

I even managed to zoom in just a tiny bit closer. I'm trying to figure out how to do a carving of this guy. I love the way he's peering at me through the branches. 

They watched me until I wandered on and I saw them again in deeper brush farther down the trail. I was glad they didn't consider me too much of a threat during their morning browse. 


Anonymous said...

It's great they let you hang about for a bit. The deer I meet always give off a big noisy SNORT and take off. I get to see their tails. The velvet on the antlers shows nicely !

Hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

I felt really fortunate, BetsyLee. The bucks are usually quite shy and rarely come out from cover at all during the day around here. So, it was particularly nice to have a couple of cooperative gentlemen. :) Hugs right back!!