Monday, August 7, 2023

A Confusion of Fruits

Many different fruits are ripening at the moment and sometimes they compete for space in the great wild world.

Out in Baloo's big field, there is a mulberry tree that is being used as a trellis by a wild grape vine. At the moment, the birds are enjoying the mulberries, but by the time all the mulberries are gone, the grapes will be pretty close to perfection, so the feasting will continue. 

Farther down the trail, a wild cherry tree is also serving as a framework for wild grapes. 

A bit later in the season, the grapes and autumn olive will have their own confusion of fruits, as the grapes often climb and tangle in the bushes. It makes for an interesting juxtaposition of color, shape and texture. Flavor, too!


Anonymous said...

All of these beautiful fruits are pointing toward one thing: Summer is winding down. How I shall miss it. :^(

Hugs from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

I know, BetsyLee. I love all the luscious fruit, but Summer is always too short. Hugs to you!