Saturday, April 29, 2023

Some Little Rays of Sunshine

New birds are migrating into the area every day and I've been enjoying all the visitors to the little lilac bush right outside the window. Some will be sticking around for the summer and others will be passing through on their way to nesting grounds in the north.


So, even though the skies continue with their unrelenting gray, the goldfinches are flocking into the yard and shedding their winter feathers as they take full advantage of the bird feeders. I love their chatter in the trees. They sound like they're asking questions all the time because there's a tonal uplift at the end of their song. Tweet? Chirp? Cheep?

Getting to see the markings on these beauties is a real treat. I think I'll have to do more goldfinch carvings! I know, I've done a couple already, but just look at the graphic possibilities!

The lilac blossoms are starting to swell and the finches like to nibble on them. They keep poking their beaks in and either they're eating tiny bugs or there will be some mildly munched blooms when they finally open fully.

The girls are also putting on brighter feathers while the boys lose the motley gray and yellow mixture, adding their sunny yellow color to their bright conversations.

This fellow had some dramatic eyebrows.

There's just a tiny bit of gray left on the back of his head.

And they're starting to pair up for nesting season, even though that's a little way off for the goldfinches.

These two make a handsome couple, don't you think?



Anonymous said...

I love Goldfinches - they used to visit my feeders daily, but not so much anymore. Thanks for a nice glimpse !

Hugs from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

Goldfinches are returning to their beautiful gold color and are more present at the feeders.

I have also noticed, thanks to your note about where to look, juncos still around. It seems, that maybe they look a bit lighter in color, or just not so pronounced against the snow. Thanks for the tip!!
