Saturday, April 8, 2023

Happy Easter!

The first snowdrops have emerged from the frosty ground!

Seeing the rebirth and awakening from a long winter this time of year is always a joy!

Then, of course, this charming cottontail came hippity hopping down the bunny trail to honor the day and enjoy some cracked corn. Quite fitting. :)

Happy Easter! Happy Spring!


Anonymous said...

A bunny in the yard - you are blessed ! I love bunnies, but they don't seem to come around my yard at all. I suppose last year's fox pups depleted the local bunny population. :^(

Hope you had a good Easter Day !


Anonymous said...

my backyard bunny ate my most beautiful, unique crocuses. I thought that they were bunny safe.........nope. I could tell by the 45 degree bites.
