Sunday, April 9, 2023

...There Be Dragons...

Walking in early spring can often be a challenge. Quite frequently, the trails have melted and iced over to become slick and dangerous, even with extra grippers attached to my boots.  Not too long ago, I had to find places to walk that wouldn't result in falls and fractures!


Mussel shells pile up along the shoreline and provide excellent traction, as well as interesting patterns to enjoy. 

The ducks and I both took advantage of the trackless snow near a boat launch where it was still easy to waddle along. 

But, you say, I promised dragons. Well, really only one. Sort of.  I braved an icy trail to get to my favorite marsh.

Can you see the dragon? The long tail waving sinuously out of the ice at the center left of the picture above?  The head just to the right of the middle?

Here's a close-up of the head rearing up out of the frozen expanse.  I just couldn't resist the perfectly round eye and the snout. It just tickled my imagination.

Yes, it's still April and I'm still a fool. :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like Nessie ! Excellent use of your imagination, and thank you for sharing. :^)

Hugs from betsyLee

Anonymous said...

I am seeing an interesting invoice stamp............. ;j
