Saturday, April 15, 2023

Boxes and Blues

My brother and I cleaned out and fixed a bunch of bluebird boxes and put up a few new ones. 

We were almost immediately rewarded with the arrival of this beautiful fellow.

He took up his post on top of one of the bluebird houses and claimed it for his very own.

We were delighted with our success and we have plans to put up about eight more boxes as soon as the frost is out of the ground and we can pound in some more stakes to hang them on.


Anonymous said...

Bluebirds in the yard are a blessing indeed. Tree swallows always use my bluebird box, but they're pretty special too, so I won't complain. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Definitely a blessing, BetsyLee! I like the tree swallows, too. And I think I have a pair of chickadees moving into one of the three houses in my back yard. They may not be bluebirds, but they are always welcome. :)