Monday, April 17, 2023

Pussyfooting Around

It's always fun to see who has been wandering around in the night. This time, the trail cameras caught some bobcats pussyfooting on the family property. We occasionally see bobcats when we're out working on things, but they're usually moving too rapidly to do more than stop and admire them as they zip by. That's why it's so nice to get a few pictures of them going about their nightly business.

Of course, that nightly business is prowling. There's something both beautiful and eerie about this predator padding around looking for a meal. On this occasion, it walked very close to the camera, so it's a surprisingly good nighttime image.

This one is pacing right toward a different trail cam shortly before dawn.

I tried to blow the relevant portion of the picture up a bit to see if I could coax more detail out of it. It's a little pixelated, but still pretty dramatic. Quite an intense expression, don't you think?  I'm not sure I'd like that piercing gaze fixed on me, especially not if I were a bunny. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

wow, that is cool. thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting ! Bobcats are supposed to be around here, many people have seen them, but I haven't yet. Guess I'd better get a game cam set up!

Hugs from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thanks, Sheila! I love going down to the family property and seeing who has been hanging around. I saved a bunch of pictures from my recent visit to the property to take care of some things with my brother (and play music). I'll be sprinkling them through the blog from time to time. Some of them just made me laugh. And yes, BetsyLee! Trail cameras are lots of fun! I highly recommend them. In fact, I'm thinking of setting one up in my yard. :)