Thursday, August 4, 2022

Small Harlequin at Large

Traditionally, a harlequin is a clown or buffoon, usually attired in a mask and colorful tights.


Nature adorned this young tree hugging fellow with a mask and striped tail (in lieu of the tights) as his costume and, bundled with the outfit, clowning seems to come as a natural part of the package.

The antics of baby raccoons can be very entertaining - they're clever, persistent and can get into quite a lot of mischief. They're agile climbers and bold little thieves of bird food (or any other food that might be in reach of those deft little paws). Sometimes they even steal the feeder along with the seeds! They have been known to lounge in bird baths on warm evenings to cool off and perform their after dinner ablutions.

These youngsters also have an extraordinarily high cuteness quotient! There may have to be a carving of this guy in my future.

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