Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Advance Warning

  And so it begins... The inevitable race toward Autumn. 


The triathlon has been held. The bicycle leg of the race labored past me as I was walking up a large hill. I know they had to be happy that they'd soon be coasting down toward the bay, once they made the turn at the top of the hill. It's the last race of the season out here on the peninsula.

Early fall color has started to show up here and there. I thought the green against the burgundy was pleasingly dramatic.

Late season mushrooms are appearing - in odd places. This looks like a puff ball on a poplar tree. I hadn't seen one grow on the side of a tree before, but I looked it up and it happens with this variety.

Then, not so much a harbinger of fall - but sort of fun, there was a cheerful little offering left on a shelf fungus I've been watching grow for a while.  It was an intrepid person who left it there, getting muddy, wet shoes at the edge of the marsh. 

I'm not sure I'm quite ready for the seasons to change yet (I rarely am), but each new day brings wonders of its own, so I'll be keeping my eyes open!


Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

I love your blog. Just wanted to say that.

SHH :)

Webfoot said...

Thank you, SHH! You made my day - I'm delighted you enjoy my odd ramblings. :)