Friday, July 29, 2022

Sun Salutation

I have shared a couple of pictures captured by the trail cameras on our family land. Here's one that made me smile and fired my imagination. 

Can't you just imagine this as an early morning vulture yoga class following their instructor (the one up in the tree on the left) in a sort of reverse sun salutation (since they're all facing away from the sunrise). Of course, humorous as that story line might be, it's not what's really happening. These birds are letting the sun burn off the dew that accumulated on their wings as they roosted through the night. The cameras caught several of these morning rituals, but this was my favorite. It just told the best story!

(You can see a larger version of the picture by clicking on it, if you want more detail.)


Anonymous said...

Too funny !! And interesting, too.

Makes me think of my friends and their baby-goat-yoga adventure.

I think I'll ask if they'd like to try it with vultures!

Your pictures are always good and interesting, keep up the good work. :^)

Best wishes,


Ant Hilarie said...

Lovely pic (and thank you for the explanation!)

Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee and Ant Hilarie! It's always makes me smile to hear that someone is enjoying the blog. My adventures certainly aren't epic, but I manage to find something that interests, amuses or instructs me, if I just keep my eyes open. :)