Monday, August 8, 2022

Oh, Woe is Me!

The killdeer in the nearby park have successfully raised a little clutch of youngsters this year and, even though the babies are just about the same size as the parents at this point, mom and dad are still very protective.

One parent or the other will go into full tragic drama mode, pretending to be injured and helpless along the trail, hoping to lure potential predators into following them away from the little ones as they flutter farther and farther away from the family, staying just out of reach.

When they decide danger has been averted, they stand up, fly off and rejoin the family. It's always a great show - Sarah Bernhardt would approve. Bravo! Take a bow!


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying all these tidbits of educational info on different kinds of wildlife. Very interesting.
Thanks, Buttercup60

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Buttercup60! It always makes me smile to hear someone enjoys my oddball posts.:) --Webfoot