Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cheeky Fellow

When we were children, we would spend summer days training chipmunks to come and collect peanuts (still in the shell) from our hands. They would even climb up our legs to nose around and pick peanuts right from our pockets. It was fun to watch them try and jam just one more peanut into their cheeks, turning them one way and then another to try and squash it in - the big, double sized ones were particularly entertaining to see them struggle with. Sometimes they just had to give up and other times they'd scamper off with a large chunk of shell hanging out of their mouth. Greedy little beasties!


This clever little buddy was bold enough to climb into the seed can right next to my brother's chair, whereupon he decided it might be fun to reopen that particular chapter of our childhood adventures.

It didn't take long for that curious seed snatcher to nose around in the palm of his hand. 

From there, it was just a small hop into the proverbial lap of luxury. Before many days had passed, there were several regular visitors looking for handouts (yes, I did that on purpose - sorry).



Anonymous said...

So cute! I love chipmunks. Thanks for the pics!


Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee! I'm glad you enjoyed the chipmunks. They're very entertaining little critters!