Saturday, March 31, 2018

If it Looks Like a Duck...

Here are a few closeups of our cast of characters.

First up is a male redhead with a female goldeneye. 

Here's the male goldeneye. 

Two female and one male scaup. 

Another male redhead and a better look at the male scaup. 

And finally, I know this is another redhead, but look closely. I couldn't resist including the fellow that's just surfacing almost directly underneath his friend. See the red head and bill emerging from the water? 

You can tell I had fun watching the antics of these migrating visitors. Baloo and I went back again and I couldn't resist taking more pictures in a slightly different area just a couple days ago. I'll see if any of them come out well enough to share. You may have to put up with more duck pictures (not to mention the bad post titles).

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