Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Bird in the Hand

Remember the other day when I was nattering on about the curiosity and boldness of the chickadee? 

When I was a child, we used to entice them to land on our hands for the reward of a big, fat peanut half.

My brother revived the practice of hand feeding last year before putting out sunflower seeds for the hungry little rascals and they quickly decided to swoop in and get a snack. Once the big pile of seeds is spread, they aren't quite as desperate for a handheld handout.

As a result of his patience, I got to enjoy an old childhood pastime. 

It's really quite delightful to hear them fluttering around my ears and then feel their tiny toes gripping my fingertips as they look me over before choosing a seed and flying away. Sometimes, one will take the time to try and jam two seeds into its beak - it's pretty comical.

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