Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Construction Site Conundrum #3

 As promised, here's the solution to the puzzler.

First, above is the original construction site conundrum picture.

And then, here's yesterday's bit of a zoom. 

Finally, here's the fawn that caught my eye as I was passing by on the road. The silhouette jumped out at me and I did a double take. The little rascal must think he's a goat - or he's playing a great game of King of the Castle atop the huge mound of dirt from excavation. 

That's as far as the zoom would get me with that camera, but I thought it was enough fun that it might cause a grin or two. I hope so, anyway. :)

So many of you caught on early that I think I'll have to make the next one a bit more challenging. (Cue maniacal laughter...)


Anonymous said...

Your zoom works well. Fawn are cute, no doubt about it. Keep up the good work ! :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee. I loved the way this guy perched himself atop the highest point to observe his vast domain. :) Hugs right back!