Sunday, September 17, 2023

Another Puzzler? #3

Here's the solution to the weekend puzzler. The first two pictures are reminders, so you can see the wider puzzle field before we zoom in.

Sharp eyes spotted the subject right off (you guys are good!).  It caught my eye in the expanse of water lilies, too.


Here it is again, sticking its neck out just a little farther. If you haven't focused in on it yet, look just to the right of center in the picture above.

This enterprising otter had just caught a fish and was enjoying it immensely in the shallows out in the middle of the wetland area.

It was a beautiful morning to be out fishing for breakfast.

The otter finally spotted me and came swimming over to let me know I had been busted. It would swim closer, then stop and bark at me and then swim closer again to bark and blow some more.

It was a brave and curious little beastie to come and challenge the big interloper invading its territory. Also, very cute. 

I hope you enjoyed this small puzzle -- I certainly enjoyed my morning encounter with this guy.


Anonymous said...

I was zoomed into the right area. I just thought it was a beaver.

Love your zoom meetings ;j


Anonymous said...

Aw, man, you got all the good stuff where you live ! I wish I could see an otter while I was on a walk. Once I saw a fisher, but it didn't stick around long enough for any good pics, just a couple fuzzy ones, then it galloped off. 45 seconds max. Dang, your otter friend even looked right at ya, too. You are so blessed !

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

Very cool otter sighting. I love that it came up and 'spoke" to you.

Woodland Paws

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Sheila! Just so you know, there are beavers in the area, too, so that wasn't a bad guess!

I've never seen a fisher, BetsyLee. That had to be a treat, too! And I do feel blessed - every single day. :) Hugs to you, too!!

Woodland Paws, I agree - I tried to keep really still so that I didn't spook it away and it was so cool to have it come so close to investigate. :)

Nature Hikers said...

I too though it might have been a beaver. What a great collection of photos, though. Thanks again for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I was late to the guessing but love the reveal!!

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Nature Hikers! As I told Sheila, there are beavers in the area, so that was a pretty good guess. I was delighted that that otter decided to come so close - even with the scolding it gave me. :)

Tammy, it's never too late to play - that's one of the reasons I always post the lead-in puzzler pictures at the beginning of the reveal. And thank you. I'm glad you liked the pictures.