Saturday, March 25, 2023

Spectacular Sunrise

On a chilly morning, not so long ago, (Pi Day, to be exact) I picked up a friend and went to watch the sun rise on the opposite side of the peninsula. I usually wander around on the western shore, but after I shared the pictures of the moon setting, my friend thought it might be fun to go watch the sun come up.

It was a very cold morning for March. The weather app on my phone said it was 11 degrees, so layers were the order of the day!

The color was pretty dramatic, lighting up both the sky and the bay.

The sun painted the undersides of the clouds with brilliant reds and golds.

It was well worth getting up extra early to get there in time.

Ducks were paddling around in the shallows and seagulls swooped around overhead (there's one in the upper right part of this picture).

It was a beautiful way to start the day. And, of course, we met my sister at my house and all had quiche to celebrate Pi Day! (And the next day, too, since everybody got to take some Pi home with them.)


Anonymous said...

Love the colors of the sunrise. Beautiful. :^)


Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee. It was definitely worth getting up and making the effort to get there for it. :)