Sunday, March 26, 2023

Avian Arrival

One of my favorite things about early spring is seeing who  is flying back into my neighborhood.


This tree sparrow showed up a couple days ago and perched in a lilac bush near where the other birds were coming and going to and from the feeders. 


It must have been tired, because it stayed there for a long time. (Isn't that the cutest face? And the toes!)


It was all fluffed up like a little feather ball, trying to stay warm. 

I hope it decides to nest nearby. I love seeing these cuties!



Anonymous said...

Soon the tree sparrows will disappear from my yard, to be replaced by chipping sparrows. I love 'em both. Thanks for the cute pics!


Webfoot said...

Oh, yes, the chippers are sweeties, BetsyLee! I caught a glimpse of a song sparrow yesterday morning, too, but it was seriously camera shy! Probably just shy in general. I really love it when they tune up and start singing their territorial songs. :)