Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Goose Lake

Pyatt Lake had a snowy blanket over the ice last time I walked the loop there, setting the stage for an excellent show.

As I walked out onto the overlook platform, a gaggle of geese was stepping out onto the ice and wandering across the lake. 

They may not have been graceful enough to inspire a ballet, but they were entertaining as they made their way across the frozen expanse.

I'm not sure who was in charge of the choreography or what they thought they might find out on the ice, but they were a determined troop.

Occasional preening came close to arabesque form, but still not quite up to ballerina standards.

There was some pretty extensive toe work, though, so there's still potential. 

I think we might need more kazoos in the orchestra for the proper musical counterpoint to goose song. 


Anonymous said...

I think half the geese should use kazoos, and the rest should honk. More interesting that way. ;^)


Webfoot said...

Or maybe a small trombone section, BetsyLee? ;-)

Anonymous said...

oooh I think I can hear the song...
...be kind to your web-footed friends,
for they might be somebodies mother....
that's all I know...carry on. :)

Webfoot said...

Okay, then, Shooz! Thanks for *that* ear worm. LOL!