Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Second to Last Snow Post - We Hope

Even though it's finally thawing and we're supposed to have weather that's closer to normal tomorrow and through the weekend, I hadn't gotten a chance to post these pictures from the last unseasonable snow yet, so you'll have to endure a little more white stuff, just as these guys are breathing a sigh of relief and looking forward to green branches - and bug hatches!

I really like juncos - they're such busy and unassuming little birds. 

Soon, the wintering flock of these diminuitive charmers will cease flitting around in my bushes and disperse to nest and raise the next generation. 

The finches are migrating in large numbers and really appreciated the handouts during the cold and snowy weather.  The birds around here are managing to completely empty the four sunflower feeders in my yard in a day and a half.  I'm going to need to make another run to the feed store this week!

Goldfinches are looking pretty scruffy these days, but soon their motley molting will be complete and their bright yellow feathers will flash through the underbrush.  The intermediate stage always reminds me of a harlequin.

No snowy bird post would be complete without the brilliant contrast of red against white.

If only this fellow had landed in the spruce instead of the apple tree, I could have had early inspiration for this year's Christmas card carving!  I love the way the camera caught the snowflakes in the foreground.  

Baloo and I are ready for balmy rambles through the woods, although I think he'll miss munching on chunks of ice along the way.

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