Friday, June 21, 2024

Walking on the Wild Side

It's always a little bit wild walking with Miss Piper. She's still has quite a bit of puppy energy and loves to stalk anything she sees. She's learning to be a better leash walker, though. It just takes practice... practice... practice!

We started off with a lot of enthusiasm, when this bunny caught her attention right out of the gate. 

A couple miles later, we were up past the wetland area in a big, open field. There's a snag out in the field that birds like to perch on as a lookout for hapless bugs flying by. First there was a bluebird. 

Then, an Eastern kingbird took up the post, before diving after a morsel in flight. 

At this point, Piper was able to relax and sit for me, so that I could take the bird photos (which aren't that good because of the bright backlighting, but I did my best!).

We traveled back through the forest on our way home and this little tease chattered and chipped at Piper. She wanted to chase it so badly! 

So, when we were back out in the open again, I gave her an opportunity to run like the wind. She's amazingly fast and absolutely loves running and playing chase. (She has managed to knock me over twice while barreling toward me at top speed and hitting the back of my knees just right. --Oof!)

That's our small adventure for the day. :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun walk !

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

Love that puppy energy!

Woodland Paws

Webfoot said...

All the walks are fun, BetsyLee, even the ones where we both get completely drenched by thunderstorms. I call those our "rainwater rinse" walks. We have shiny hair! ;-) Hugs right back!

Webfoot said...

Woodland Paws, you're right. Her puppy antics make me laugh every day. :)

Anonymous said...

oh, what a wonderful day of puppy love!!!

thanks for sharing your outing with us!!


Webfoot said...

That's what most of my outings are like, Sheila. Just little things that make me smile along the way. :)