Friday, June 28, 2024

River Walk

While I was down at our family property a few weeks ago, Piper and I took a number of lovely walks along the river.

We saw that beavers had been hard at work felling trees and building dams.

Everything was beautifully green - lacy ferns were popping up in the woods,

and unfurling along the riverbank.

Piper waded into the river to get a drink and was surprised by the current and sat down abruptly in the chilly water.

It didn't really faze her - she loves the water. She tries to go swimming almost every time she gets near the bay or river. It keeps her coat nice and shiny. 


Anonymous said...

love the solo-ish fern photo. what a great walk, with great views.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a peaceful river for a doggie to take a dip in. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee