Friday, June 7, 2024

I Couldn't Do It

I couldn't let the day go by without posting about Baloo. I've been thinking about him all day, since this is the anniversary of his adoption eleven years ago, when it took four rescue volunteers, thirty minutes, a muzzle and cup of peanut butter to get him into the car to bring him to my house. I had no idea how I'd manage!

What an amazing companion he was for nine marvelous years. It's been two years (tomorrow) since he died and I've missed him every day since.

He had fur like velvet, enormous feet and a heartworm damaged heart as big as all the world. 

There's a line in one of the songs my brother and I sing together that goes, "How I hope I'll find you waiting at the very end of this crooked line." Yep. I do. 

I think he would approve of little Piper, although he wouldn't want to romp with her - she's far too intense and amazingly fast, but he'd have shared with her the joys of finding dead things and trotting through the fields in search of interesting smells.



Anonymous said...

What great fond memmories you have of Baloo.
Thank you for sharing.

Webfoot said...

Thanks! Yes, he was quite a memorable guy. :)

Anonymous said...

I copied a pic of Baloo baying to my desktop at one point, because it made me smile. Can't find it now, but I see it in my mind's eye. He was cool. :^)

Hugs to you, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Aw, BetsyLee, that's sweet. I use different pictures of Baloo as my desktop, changing them with the seasons (or with my whim) - I wish I had more. After he died, I realized I had never taken any videos of him and I wish I had a few, but I rerun many sequences in my memory. :) Hugs right back to you!

Anonymous said...

Hugs Webfoot. Thanks for sharing more of Baloo photos with us. I never knew what those first hours were like for you. You are a brave woman, with a heart as big as his.........the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He lived the life you showered on him and he gave all of us that love back in all his loving antics.

memories keep him alive in all of our hearts.


Anonymous said...

Hugs, hugs and more hugs. TAP

Webfoot said...

Thanks, Sheila! Baloo came with some baggage, but he was smart and willing to learn. I worked on his car fear and he ended up wanting to go everywhere with me. I even used a ramp for his last year or two, when he couldn't easily hop up onto the seat any more. :)

Webfoot said...

Thanks, TAP! It's surprising how much that dog changed me and how much I still miss his goofy little ways.