Friday, June 14, 2024

A Small Mystery

Little mysteries have been popular with my sharp-eyed friends, so I thought I would post a small one to usher in the weekend. Piper and I were walking along the road by the bay and she very graciously sat still to allow me to take a few pictures. Sometimes, she makes it hard to focus. After all, the leash is attached to both of us!

Can you locate the stealthy one? The camouflage is outstanding, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

I see the stealthy one! Indeed, the camo is perfect.

Such a peaceful pic. The waves the sounds the sand the rocks in the water - was the temperature cool? It looks like it was cool then. Peaceful.

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

I believe I see the little one. I can't wait to see if indeed I am seeing it correctly!

It is a great place to stop and relax and enjoy all the treasures.

Webfoot said...

You guys are way too good at this! I'll poke around and see what else I can come up with. :)

BetsyLee, yes, it was cool. The mornings are still a bit chilly, but they warm up quickly once the sun comes up over the ridge.

Thank you, Sheila! I'm glad you enjoy the prattle and puzzles. :)

Hugs to you both!!