Monday, June 10, 2024

A Tiger Tale

The tiger swallowtail butterfly is a real favorite with both my brother and me.

There's just something so dramatic and dazzling about these guys (and these really are all guys - the female of the species is beautiful, too, just in a more muted fashion).

Watching them gracefully glide from flower to flower is peaceful and quite mesmerizing.

They seem to love the dame's rocket (an invasive, but a beautiful flower) that my grandmother started in the homestead yard many long years ago.

At blooming time, the hillside can be completely covered with them (I meant the flowers, but it's also true of the butterflies).

I think one of these beauties might have to end up on a piece of carving material in the not too distant future.

The bold markings just invite it,don't you think. I love the little dots of orange and blue at the base of the wings as extra little artistic exclamation points.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, I love them too!!! I can almost see your stamp already.

They look great on those lantana too.


Anonymous said...

Those are wonderful pics ! I am so envious because I am just too slow to get a decent butterfly shot. Their wings are always closed when my shutter goes off. Or they aren't in the shot at all.

That's one reason I love fungi so much. I have no trouble catching up with them because they never move, at least not quickly. Heh.

Thanks for the great pics, and for the hope of seeing a swallowtail carve. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee