Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Small Mystery - Solution

 As always, here's a quick reminder of yesterday's mystery photo.

The camouflage is quite good, so the subject of this little mystery is pretty hard to see. 

Between the big rock pile and the water, there's another, smaller island of pebbles, leaves and shells... and something else. 

If you still haven't spotted her, look on the right hand side of that small island of vegetation.

Did you find her? She was hunkered right down in the foliage, but (of course) she started to get nervous when I trained the camera on her.

I can't imagine she would put her nest there - it would be pretty close to the water's edge and likely to get washed away in a storm. But, what do I know? 

I am keeping my eyes open for when the little ones hatch and begin to run around on the beach, though. I love the tiny fuzz balls on stilts. 

If the adults are killdeer, are the babies killfawn? :)


Anonymous said...

Killfawn - too funny ! Thank you for the peaceful puzzle. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee! I'm glad you enjoyed puzzling. :) Hugs right back!

Anonymous said...

I was way off on this one. I thought there was something in the water.

love it!
