Thursday, June 6, 2024

A Puzzle from the Past - Solution

You've got good eyes! You saw it, even though you couldn't really tell what it was.  Here's the first picture again as a reminder.

The subject of this puzzle is so far out of context, it's kind of hard to believe, even when you do see it.

So, no, not a snake on the chimney - it's mother merganser looking over the world from on high.

She made me laugh. It's as if she's imagining herself on a castle turret surveying her vast domain. 

It was one of my very last walks with Baloo, so the memory is bittersweet. Tomorrow (June 7th) is the eleventh anniversary of his adoption and the 8th is the second anniversary of his death, so he's been in my thoughts quite a lot, as you might imagine. 

So, sometimes the puzzles are a long time coming. There are a couple even older ones that I planned, too, but haven't gotten around to posting yet. It's been long enough that I have to go searching for them - so, I'll have a treasure hunt of my own!


Anonymous said...

A merganser nesting on a chimney? Far out. Not in my wildest merganser dreams would I have thought that one up.

Baloo lives in your heart, your pics, in your writing. He lives in my mind, too. He was a cool dog. :^)

Extra hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

Well said BetsyLee!

Nobody can take away those memories. Let all those memories remind you of the fun and happy times together and not the sad last day.

yeah, saw it on the chimney ;j
