Sunday, June 30, 2024

Oh, Baby!

It's the season for babies. They're everywhere! On several recent outings, Piper and I have encountered a number of youngsters exploring the world with and without their parents.

I love how the adult geese act as bookends for their offspring, and it's particularly enjoyable to see the little ones line up so perfectly.

Mother mallard, on the other hand, was having a slightly harder time getting her ducklings in a row. I guess it's not too surprising - she had quite a brood to wrangle!

Madame Swan was still incubating eggs or protecting cygnets, but it was fun to see her regally ensconced on her nest. She was so quiet and tucked in so well, we almost missed her.

There is always a doe that drops her fawn in the vineyard down the road from me, so she will wander through the neighborhood with her youngster as soon as it's ready to follow her lead.

This has been a banner year for bunnies. Piper went into full point and stalk mode when she saw these four rabbits. One adolescent and three younger buns.

And Piper gets full credit for spotting this little spotted cutie.

She could smell something in the grass just off the trail (through the vineyard) and nearly put her nose on it before I realized what she'd found. I snapped a couple quick pictures and got us both down the trail and away, so we wouldn't disturb it any more than we already had. I'm pretty sure it's the slightly younger version of the fawn in the picture above with its mom.


Anonymous said...

So many babies! You must have been just the right distance away from Mrs. Swan, or she would have come off that nest and given you a beating! They don't take any chances. I bet the cygnets will be cute. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Piper and I need to go back and check on the swans. It was a new walking adventure for us and we haven't been back again, since it's a bit of a drive. Maybe sometime this week. :)

Anonymous said...

I have seen so many potato sized new bunnies in my yard...... all by themselves. eating all of my flowers NO!!!


Webfoot said...

I know, Sheila! They can be really hard on the gardens. They ate my ginger plants, they ate my roses, they are eating just about everything. They are still cute, though!