Friday, March 1, 2024

A Pair o' Ducks

I can't help it. Puns are fun, even if they are considered the lowest form of humor. Sadly, I can't entertain you with a true paradox, just a pair o' ducks.

This goldeneye duck couple was far enough from shore that the pictures are a little grainy, but I enjoyed watching them and thought it would be fun to post a few  of the better pictures (from the dozens I took).

They were swimming along in the last light of the setting sun, as you can see from the slightly pinkish cast to the ripples in the water.

They had turned around and started swimming in the other direction when they suddenly decided to take off, just as I was snapping another picture. The splash of the water made me think of skipping stones, though the duck takes to the air at the end of the skips, rather than sinking to the bottom as the stones always do. I just caught wing and tail as he left the frame.



Anonymous said...

Cool. Love ducks. Funny how they made a 'run' for it. Nice pics, I have never seen a Goldeneye live. Maybe someday...

Thanks for sharing the pics, hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee. The goldeneye ducks are so much fun to watch diving and then popping up like little corks in unexpected places. I hope you get to watch them someday. Hugs right back!

Anonymous said...

You nailed it on skipping stones and to capture skipping ducks or stones is not an easy feet/feat ;j


Webfoot said...

I see what you did there, Sheila. You obviously like puns, too. :)