Monday, October 23, 2023

More Monday Mushrooming

 As promised, here is a little more fall fungus fun.


I'm still without my reference books at hand, so I'm counting on you mushroom mavens out in the great wide world to help with identification - again.


These are from the same walk as the photos from Saturday's post. There were some beauties blooming in the woods.

I took several shots of this mushroom. It was quite dramatic.

The rakish angle of its cap was incredibly chic.

Stark white was a bold juxtaposition to the brown pine needles, sticks and old oak leaves. I *know* I don't want to eat this one.

It's amazing how many different kinds of  mushrooms bloom when the summer heat and drought conditions abate. 

So, it's pretty sneaky for me to make you do all the work, but you'd have had to wait a lot longer for the post, if it was delayed until I got  back home to do the research. Mystery and participation, right? :)


Anonymous said...

I think that yellowish one is a gymnopilus ventricosus... or big gym ?????


Anonymous said...

I think that the first one is an oyster mushroom/fungi


Anonymous said...

I like 'em ! Number 2 looks like a Blewit, one of my favorites. Very pretty lavender underneath, if I'm correct. I can't tell the others unless I see the underneath: gills or pores. That first one has a nice frilly look. :^)

Hugs to ya, from betsyLee

Anonymous said...

Hey, is that a gopher hole in the last pic? Or a giant pile of ants? It's right in line with the mushrooms. Looks like an edge of a very large fairy ring. Cool.

Just wondering. Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Sheila and BetsyLee, for taking a stab at some of these while I was away from any reference material. Here's a little more information and my attempts at identification.
Okay, so #1 was a little tricky, since the picture doesn't show its underside. It is a polypore - I think maybe white cheese polypore? It looks the closest in my references.
I agree that #2 looks like a Blewit. It does have a very pale lavender cast to it. They're supposed to be choice, but I have never eaten one.
#3 and 4 still has me stumped. You might be right, Sheila. Big Laughing Gym comes about as close to looking like it as anything else I've found, but it was growing all by its large, dramatic self, rather than clustered and out on the ground rather than on or near wood. It is veiled with gills attached. We'll see if any other viewers have ideas.
#5 looks like a destroying angel Amanita to me. I am very leery of white, veiled mushrooms.
#6 is sort of a fairy ring, but not the marasmius oreades (which was the first mushroom I learned to identify and collect as a child). And the pile of dirt, to give some perspective is an anthill.
Hugs all around!! :)