Friday, October 6, 2023

Mid-week Mystery #3 (Solution)

 Wow! Once again, you mystery people have amazingly sharp eyes. Well done!

So, as usual, here's the original picture that started this particular mystery.

Here's the closer view, which was a total reveal for some of you.

Yes, it was a green heron, walking on the carpet of water lilies and hunting for fish and frogs.


The plumage on these birds is the perfect camouflage for this environment, don't you think?

The greens and purples mimic the water lily leaves incredibly well.

Like their great blue cousins, green herons are extremely patient hunters. This bird worked its little area for quite some time hunting for breakfast. I finally had to leave it to its efforts and head home for my own breakfast, but it was a very enjoyable way to start my day. 

I got some other good pictures of green herons while visiting this wetland on other mornings and will probably share a few of them in another post, but I hope you got a bit of a grin from this little puzzler.


GG said...

Love this little game.
I've always enjoyed seeing your photos.
This adds another layer to my virtual walks with you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have been busy this week. I just looked at all of them. I didn't cheat and look ahead.........

sweet lil guy and I saw it, knew its type, just not his kind.

love these challenges!!


Webfoot said...

Thank you, GG and Sheila. I'm glad you enjoy the puzzlers. I'll have to see what else I can find to try and stump you. You're getting far too good at this! :)

Anonymous said...

I personally am a cheater because I make the pictures even larger with my fingers. That's how I see the solution. -head hanging in shame-

hugs from BetsyLee the cheater

Webfoot said...

BetsyLee, my grandmother would have called that "cheating and prospering". Actually, it's never really cheating to use the tools at one's disposal. That's just clever -- like you!! Hugs right back!! :)