Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Mystery

Here we have another mystery to keep us occupied for a few days while I hunt for a new camera. I took these pictures a couple weeks ago and was waiting for a good time to share them, so here we go.


This is part of the spruce grove that the night ghost bunny was hopping through on Trail Cam Tuesday a couple weeks back.

It's much easier to see in the light of day - this is just the row closest to the trail, but it's several rows deep. The trees have grown so thick that they've become quite popular with the rabbits, deer and other critters looking for cover. 

Someone stepped out of hiding here, though. Two someones, actually, but one of them is all but impossible to see. 

This one's really hard - harder than I really intended, so there will be another clue tomorrow. :)



Anonymous said...

I can't see anything. :^(


Anonymous said...

I see it, just not totally sure what it is yet.

Anonymous said...

that was Sheila who can see it and not know it's identity yet.

Webfoot said...

BetsyLee, it's really hard to see - which is why I posted both pictures for comparison. Tomorrow will be much more revealing (but perhaps not completely).

Good eye, Sheila! :)