Friday, July 17, 2020

Plain and Showy

Walking along the edge of a vineyard while trying to sneak up on the eagles to see if we could get a peek at the youngsters or see if they had flown the proverbial coop, Baloo and I were charmed by a virtuoso songster and mimic. 

I have always loved the brown thrasher and I know to look for one when I start to hear every local bird song in rapid succession. This plain brown bird makes up for his unassuming appearance (though, I think he's quite handsome with his speckled waistcoat) by being one of the most talented musicians on the program. 

This fellow was doing a little preening between songs and it was fun to watch the feather ruffling. Or maybe he was just being the maestro straightening his coat and tails. 

Finally, he was all spiffed up and ready to launch into the air to find another stage for his next grand musical engagement. 

So, keep your ears open for a cardinal song followed by a robin song followed by a chickadee song and so forth (but not necessarily in any particular sequence) and you may just get to enjoy a well-sung and extremely varied concert - and it doesn't even require a ticket.  

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