Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More of the Pieces

No, I hadn't forgotten the puzzle I left hanging. I just had to step back for a while and decide some things. Things like whether or not I was going to try and resurrect the Stampeaz site or just let it go. 

This particular puzzle is of the type that is more difficult to do if you focus on the subject matter rather than the background. It's a fitting metaphor.

So, now that I have looked at the big picture and studied how the background might work, I'm starting to look more closely at how all the pieces are going to come together to form something that's worth looking at. 

Thanks to everyone for your patience and support while I worked through the decision of whether to start over again. Many thanks to those who offered suggestions and help of one kind or another. Now, since I have decided to try and put the pieces back together, I'll ask that you bear with the process just a little longer as I work through starting from the very beginning (again - my first try didn't work). It's a daunting task, but now that I've gotten over the angst of the crash, I'm ready to keep on sorting the bits and pieces and get this puzzle finished! 

Also, I want to apologize -- some of you have left comments for me on earlier posts and I honestly didn't know about them until just a couple minutes ago. I used to get notified when someone had made a comment, but now some of them seem to get hidden in a moderation limbo land until I release them. I didn't change any settings or intentionally ignore anyone - I just didn't know anyone had said anything. Thanks for commenting and checking in on the blog -- I appreciate it! And now I know where to go look for them! :)

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