Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Time Lapse Photography

Back in early May, Baloo and I decided against going out on one of our regular walking routes in order to avoid an uncharacteristically large number of visitors to our usually solitary (or nearly so) trail. 

Our adventurous (and crowd-avoiding) spirit was rewarded when we saw a nesting eagle. 

There used to be another nest not far from this one, so I'm guessing it's the same pair that built a new home in a slightly more attractive neighborhood - or more secure tree. 


I kept trying to sneak a little closer, and while she kept a close eye on us, she didn't seem too worried about us admiring her in her aerie. Of course, we kept a reasonable distance, since we didn't want to disturb her. 

Late in May, I took Baloo back for another look and saw these two youngsters (sorry for the blurry photo - it was the best I could manage from afar with a restive dog at the other end of the leash). They were peering out at the great, wide world with avid interest - and probably waiting for their parents to get back with some tasty tidbits.  

By the end of June they looked like fledglings about ready to leave the security of their home to try their luck at searching for their own snack materials. 

Since then, I've seen the adults flying in the vicinity,  but I haven't seen the youngsters on the wing yet.It's a favorite walking area, so I hope we have the opportunity to see them attempting their early hunts. 

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