Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Independence Day!

Sadly, most of the annual 4th of July celebrations in this area have been cancelled.  I thought that, since there won't be any fireworks, parades, or air shows to share this year, I would try and get a little creative.  

Along one of our walks, Baloo and I pass this delightful piece of folk art that some enterprising person painted and placed at the edge of their property.  It's a beautifully rough and bold piece of Americana standing cheerfully against the backdrop of ferns and sumac. Fitting for the day, I thought.

Queen Anne's Lace flowers remind me a little of the big fireworks explosions that keep expanding and fan out through the sky. You know -- the ones with the bits along the edges that do a secondary blast and extend the light show circle just a little farther. Of course, they are much quieter than their more jubilant counterparts, but reminiscent just the same. 

Happy Independence Day!

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