Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Feeling Chipper?

This has been a banner year for chipmunks -- they're absolutely everywhere. I expect you'll see more pictures of their furry faces in future posts, since Baloo calls my attention to every one of them he sees or hears along our walks. This is just one that I thought was particularly cute, especially given the circumstances. 

Baloo is entranced and also quite tempted to give chase to these bright-eyed rascals, since they chirp and tease him before sticking their tails straight into the air and running for cover. 

This one followed that very playbook running off to find a safe spot where he decided to stand up and taunt the poor dog with a torrent of scolding chatter, as if to say, "Nyah, nyah, nyah! You can't reach me here!", before ducking into his safe hidey-hole. 

Needless to say, Baloo thinks they are frustratingly fascinating little beasties! He falls for their teasing nearly every time.

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