Sunday, February 18, 2024

Ducking Trouble

Ducks are still swimming around in the bay. I'm not sure these intrepid souls are going to leave this year, since it looks like the water will remain open enough for them to find food.

I took a walk along the road by the bay to see who was still paddling around.

I saw mergansers, mallards and goldeneye ducks diving and dabbling. The mallards stuck a little closer to shore, being expert dabblers, while the goldeneyes and mergansers dove a bit farther out for their dinner.

There was some preening going on, as well as foraging.

It was a gray day, so the lighting wasn't as good as it might have been to capture details, but it was still fun to see them.

Mallards are always easier to photograph, since they usually don't venture quite as far from shore.

They like to be able to reach their snacks from the surface, rather than dive for them.

There's always something entertaining about seeing ducks go bottoms up - or diving down to pop up somewhere unexpected.

It was a fun little adventure on a chilly afternoon. (Ducks must have really good circulation in their little webbed feet!)


Webfoot said...

My brother saw robins the other day, too, so there's more than one harbinger of spring to give us heart. Hugs right back! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there was sightings of robin in the Saginaw Valley too!


Webfoot said...

I love hearing it, Sheila. :)