Sunday, January 28, 2024

Soo-ee, Soo-ee, Suet!

The pigs with wings in my back yard have finally decided the suet feeders are attractive sources of nourishment. 

This is only noteworthy because, until this year, the birds have left the suet alone in favor of the sunflower seeds and peanut butter feeder logs. A surprising number of birds have been partaking. The chickadees, of course, began the feasting. They're always the most curious about anything new that appears in their domain.

Then, madam downy woodpecker started making good use of the available high energy food source. I didn't see any male woodpeckers for a fairly long time. 

But monsieur finally came to see what madam had discovered. He's been pretty regular since then.

And, of course the scrappy starlings took full advantage. Happily, there aren't very many of them in the area right now, so I'm not going to complain too much. The spots are interesting, after all. :)

There are more characters in the cast, but you'll have to come back to see who else has been feasting on fat. There were a couple of surprising actors in the mix. 


Anonymous said...

I have LOTS of starlings I would gladly send your way........They are eating everything in sight!


Webfoot said...

Oh, I know how that works, Sheila! I've just been surprised I don't have more than a couple young ones around. I expect a large flock before many weeks have passed. They do decimate the buffet selection, though, don't they?