Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Gorgeous Girls

Cardinals have been drifting in with the snow. I think I now have four pairs regularly stopping by to dine. 

The male cardinals get most of the attention, since they're so bold and bright with red feathers that positively glow against both snow and greenery.


The female is more muted and tends to blend into the vegetation.

She stands out against the snow, though, providing a really nice look at her rosy-gold plumage, so I thought I would post some pictures focusing on the ladies that have been snacking in my yard.

Winter finally arrived and it's been quite cold and snowy around here, so I've been busy keeping feeders full, shoveling walkways where I can spread corn and sunflower hearts for ground feeders, not to mention running the snowblower up and down the driveway.

The birds have really appreciated the handouts. I have to fill all the little feeders (the big tube feeders only need filling every other day) and spread ground food several times a day - they need lots of fuel to stay warm.

When they're between bites, they sometimes perch in the miniature lilac bush beside the feeder.

I love the look of earnest contemplation as she eats one tidbit while sizing up the next possible treat.

I even got to catch her mid-hop as she moved to the next spot. 

I hope you've enjoyed the ladies. They have been very good company between bouts of snow removal as I sit with a cup of tea to warm my hands.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful ladies to warm my heart on such cold days.


Anonymous said...

Love 'em !! And I'm glad to read your blog today!

Hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

They warm mine, too, Sheila. The birds are great entertainment when it's less than lovely to be outside. :)

Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee! There's not as much to post about these days, with all the cold, snowy weather. Most of the critters are keeping a low profile! And most of my outdoor time has been used up shoveling snow!! Hugs right back!!