Friday, December 30, 2022

Sparrow in the Spruce

Not very long ago, I still had white-throated sparrows hanging around in my yard. This particular bird tried to fly into the window and knocked itself a little bit silly. I rescued it, kept it warm and, when it had recovered enough, I took it back outside to let it go hang out with its buddies again. 

Even though I put decals on the windows to keep birds from thinking they have clear sailing, every now and then the reflection must be just perfect and confuse them into thinking it's open air.


For a long time, it just sat on my hand and rested until I finally put it on a spruce branch that was sheltered from any possible predator so it could continue its recovery.

This picture's a bit closer than the one above and it's turned its head a little bit my way to keep an eye on the proceedings. I didn't have the camera with me when I placed it in the spruce, so I was surprised that it stayed put long enough for me to run inside to get it and take a couple of pictures to share. I guess it decided that if I was going to harm it I'd had plenty of time to carry out my nefarious plans, so it was no longer alarmed (either that, or it was still feeling too woozy to fly).  I kept an eye on it until it fully recovered and flew off to snack with its friends.
I thought it was a very handsome bird and I enjoyed both its company and getting to take a really close look at its lovely feathers. It may even find its way into a carving one of these days. Sparrows may not be as showy as the cardinals or the goldfinches, but I like the plain brown birds - and I love this fellow's sweet song.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The crazy birds from my feeder run into my windows, too. I don't use decals, I just keep my windows so dirty on the outside so they can't see a good reflection of anything.

Ha-ha, what I really mean is that I hate washing my windows, so I use the bird safety as an excuse, get it? But I LOVE watching the birds.

Thank you for the pics, and for helping a bird in distress. Hugs to ya! :^)
