Saturday, December 17, 2022

Goldeneye Gone

Often, when I try to get a picture of a goldeneye duck, I end up getting nothing but rippling rings of water. 


By the time I have managed to focus on the busy little rascal, it takes a dive into the deep to find something to eat (or tease me - I wouldn't put it past the imps, as they seem to have a sense of humor).  They also never come up anywhere near where they went down, so there's no point in maintaining focus where one has vanished.


Happily, if I keep at it long enough, I will usually get at least one halfway decent picture. Here's the one for today. 

There are small groups of goldeneyes out on the bay this time of year. They will keep heading south to open water as the season progresses, so I enjoy them while they're hanging around and look forward to their return in the springtime.



Anonymous said...

I love duck-birds ! Nice fat bodies, all the easier to see. :^)

I've never seen goldeneyes, but they remind me of buffleheads and hooded mergansers. Always a puzzle, where will one come up next?


Webfoot said...

Very true, BetsyLee. It is always a puzzle - and when they do come up, it's quite frequently with a bubbly little bounce as they pop above the surface of the water. I find it very entertaining. :)